-: Aug 22, 2016 / eye laskar

Can Private Detective Find Missing Person?


The most question we got from our clients is “Can a private detective find someone?”. In this case, it is including adults and children, runaway teens,  kidnapping children or run away, a criminal, or someone who just wants known his existance.

And our answer is Yes! Private detektif can find anyone. This is the main skill that almost Private Detective have. Some investigators have the different expertise in this case. However, that is not the whole of our answers, and if you are looking for a complete answer, this is going a little more complicated.

So your understanding is? Let us according to several questions regarding the case.

Private Detectives Find The Missing Person

Why are you looking for someone?

The reality is that private investigators have access to some important networks that may be largely bound by state law, and government regulations and laws prohibit giving any information to anyone. Obviously we explain it to any prospective clients, because we work under the ethical standards of the country and without the slightest attempt to violate legal restrictions.

Most of the people who contact us are looking for someone who has long disappeared, or simply not in touch over the years, for example. In this case you want to find are usually couples, old friends, colleagues or family members. Or many contrasting events such as clients or prospective clients in person has left a person or the entire family for years ago and at the time to contact us in short he felt himself lost and want to reconnect with those he has left behind.

With a variety of reasons and cases, simply is that they have long been not related and they just want to try to reconnect, fix things in the past that did not end well and once again here they just want to “reconnect”.

Usually in this case we will try to start by contacting the person they want to find or merge some related information and ensure that this is a good thing and the right to submit their contact information.

How much information do you have?

We do a lot to get a few requests from people trying to locate someone without knowing any information about them. Like for example, they only have information that the last time they were looking for people who want to be in Jakarta, Grand Indonesia, at 12 o’clock, for example.

Of course, such information is not relevant in the search, but for whatever reason, some people think that the private investigator had some magical way to find someone. The reality is that others must needed skills, investigative tools and in-depth knowledge on this subject.

What types of valuable information in this regard?

Full name, date of birth, family relations of names of parents, siblings, close friends, information about the environment he grew up, history of education, and other required information. This may be the most influential information and very important in the search when you are trying to find someone.

How much time and budget you’re willing to look for them?

There are a few things to consider here. First, anyone can use the approach through the self, the intention is to participate in the search for any information you want is certainly closely related to you. We have a number of resources that can help you, of course, in the search for missing people, we will also ask for permission and assistance to the police when needed. As we explained in the realm of our job is to work under the government security standards without violating legal restrictions.

And when it got to a point where the case becomes very complicated, especially when a case requires the intervention of the government, police or intelligence state, there are a few things to consider.

First, you pay the services of private investigators not only for his expertise, but access to information that you do not have, and if you do not really have a lot of money to find someone and you were not able to find yourself, you may never be able to find them ,

Costs vary based on the case and the range of millions, tens or even hundreds of millions of rupiah, but not infrequently also in some cases you only need to budget cost hundreds of thousands just to get information. For further information you can contact us here. It really depends on how complicated the case, but the simple fact is that when you have contacted a private detective (detektif swasta), at least you’ve done a search and consulting business problem-solving plan for free with us.

How do we find them who are missing?

In some cases, there is no reason that you need to find out where the person physically. We’ve had a search case all family members of our clients who removes himself more than 50 years and bertinggal in Canada. And this search is intended only to submit documents on the inheritance rights of family members who might still be in Indonesia, in which case they like to have a key finding treasure.

This is a very unique case, 50 years had passed some of the contact information that we get is that they have died or moved to stay, places and locations have changed the function and name. Contacts, relations and other relations was partially missing and is no longer known.

However, our clients dare mengganggarkan funds and of course this requires hard work, and we managed just 1 week to find them. Only one week, accompanied by detailed reporting daily with all the real evidence in the form of photos, video and other documentation.

The people who we find have age who are old enough so it is quite challenging to find it. However, we know what to do on the little information we get and the network that we have, and of course with a variety of approaches and other investigative techniques. In short, in the first week of the hard work of our investigation team in the quest to get extraordinary results.

In conclusion, each case has its own unique challenges. Some cases are more complex than others. Problems on the background of the case, a period of time, lack of information, or other historical information of all can change the complexity of the case.

In other cases jasa detektif, we try to find people who might cover his tracks, or they do not want to be found.

All of this relies on the simple reason why you find people, how much information you have, and how much budget you provide. And if you manage to find them physically what would you do?

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